
Please take a look below to see some real-life examples of how Safari Mission is making a difference in real people’s lives.

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Anne, Administrator at Rhema Kenya
“Reaching the Nation”

I had been to a Bible school before this one. Most of the doctrinal subjects that I was taught here are the same as the one that I was taught in my former Bible school. But the “leader” courses, those were not taught. There are subjects taught here that equip you as a minister. You may know some doctrinal subjects—that is good, but if you are a minister, you need more than just that. And I got that here.

One of the things that I learned that helped me was the course on church administration. We learned about budgeting, planning, making to-do lists, being organized, and planning ahead. And that has helped me. I can plan and I can budget, both for ministry and on a personal level.

This school really teaches you the “how to” of ministry. You won’t have knowledge in your head that you cannot apply, you will know how to do whatever it is you do in ministry.

After going through this Bible school, students are a voice in their communities. They are consulted, even by the civil authorities, in their localities. And classes are made up of students from all over Kenya. From the East, the West, the coast, and at the border of Kenya and Uganda. It means that we have graduates all over the country—the entire country can be impacted by what we are learning here.

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Pastor Gilbert Ochieng, Word of Life Faith Church, Mombasa West
“Quality Instruction”

I heard of this Bible school through a friend’s invitation. He invited me to his graduation dinner. I knew a few people there, and they asked me if I was interested in joining the school. I said yes, but I was a little reluctant at first. I wasn’t sure if I needed to go.

I joined at the last minute, but I did not pay the fee because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to commit. After the first class, I knew I needed to join, and I paid my fees the next day.

I have been the director for an international charitable organization, as well as a pastor. I have been in the ministry for decades, and the training that I have received here, I have been able to take to my church and see a real difference. The materials here are of substance. They helped me practically, as a Christian.

Some of the graduates have become teachers over the years. We have international instructors and local instructors in school, and the quality of instruction is excellent. You cannot differentiate between the international and the local instructor—they are on the same par.

I have been through another Bible school, and I was able to minister from what I learned there on some level. I have only been through three modules here, and I have learned more here in that time than a year plus of learning at the other Bible school. There is a great difference here.

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Pastor William Meni, Jesus Warrior Church, Kanamai
“God is for Every Man, Spiritual Growth”

I heard the founder of the school speak, and he quoted a portion of scripture that was a letter from Paul, where he writes that we are co-laborers with God. I wanted to know more about this God who works together with men. I joined the school.

I found out that God was El Shaddai (the Provider) not only to Africans, but to Mzungu (white-skinned people). I was on a mission out in the bush with the founder of the school, and we ran out of money. The founder, a white-skinned man, said that there was no more money, but we could ask and believe God for some. “I was like wait… you mean white people can lack money? They have to believe God for money?”

After he prayed, we met one sister who was a member of the local church. She called us and took us on a shopping trip. God provided. He hears our prayers. It helped me to trust God for everything. I know now that mzungu can believe God for money, I can believe God for money, and God is the same: He has no favorites.  He is the God of mzungu and Africans.

At this school, I also came to know God as my Father, not just my creator. It was so helpful to learn about having a personal relationship with God. The class called spiritual growth, especially, helped me to gauge myself to know that I had always been a [spiritual] baby, and that I needed to grow. And now, that’s one of the subjects that I teach at the school. It helped me to grow up, and not just that, it helped me to grow my church up.

You can see the growth in their lives, in their family, in their finances, in their spiritual lives. We have seen a lot of change at our church financially, especially. People have learned how to work and about Christian business ethics. The people now know how to apply this in their place of work and some of them have gotten promotions and increase in salary. Therefore, they have more money coming in, they can give more, and we are able to fulfill the assignment that we have as a church.

We have also had five pastors come out of this church. They were members when they started. They were affected by training at our church, and then they joined the Bible school, and now they are pastors of their own churches.

I find this Bible school very different from the other Bible schools that we have because it majors on teaching people how to do ministry. Knowing how to do ministry effectively is what people need. If we can have more leaders from all over Kenya come and be able to be trained and then go back and help their people to apply this knowledge, the people will grow. I have seen it help me personally, and I believe it will help others also.

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Pastor Jonathan, Pastor, Kanamai Village
“Strength and Healing”

I was called to the ministry by God. I knew nothing about the ministry, I knew nothing [about] where to start or how to do it.

Everything about this Bible school was helpful for me. The classes have taught me how to listen to the voice of God, and how to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. It has taught me about faith, and helped me to minister to the people.

For example, in my church, there was a young girl named Nema. She was born deaf and dumb. She came to Sunday school as usual, and the speaker asked anyone who would like healing to approach the altar. She came forward and was prayed for, and the first word she spoke was “Jesus.” Now, she can say the names of her sisters and she is learning to speak more every day.