At Safari mission a mission organization in Tulsa, we believe that your faith is an indicator of how you should act in a certain situation. Your face should change the way that you think, act, and live your life. Our mission organization in Tulsa change leaders in East Africa on how to live by real Bible faith. When you’re in real Bible faith, your faith will impact the people around you, and not just yourself.
Our mission organization in Tulsa has Bible schools in Kenya. And in our Bible schools we teach students about the two instances in the Bible where faith was so great that it astonished even Jesus. Our mission organization in Tulsa believes that leaders should have faith that is not common. In the Bible it says that with God all things are possible. It doesn’t say some things are possible it says all things are possible. In that case, at Safari Mission, a mission organization in Tulsa, we want to dream bigger than ever before, and we teach our students to do the same.
At Safari Mission, a mission organization in Tulsa, we believe in teaching about the centurion soldier and his faith. The centurion soldier Believed in Jesus in a way that no one else in Israel had. He believed that Jesus could say a word and it would be done. Our mission organization in Tulsa is interested in faith like that.
The centurion faith was different than anyone else’s faith because he didn’t even think Jesus needed to come to his house to heal the servant, he just said if Jesus would say for a thing to be done, it will be done. At Safari mission, a mission organization in Tulsa, we want our students to grow in faith and in the things of God to be like this centurion. In order to grow in faith and in the things of God you must know and believe God and develop faith in Him for yourself. Our mission organization in Tulsa specializes and teaching people how to grow in faith and the things of God for themselves.
The reason that we believe in teaching faith like the centurion soldier at Safari Mission, our mission organization in Tulsa, is that we believe that the people of God can do great exploits when they know and have faith in their God as it says in the word. In other words, Faith is the difference between in ordinary life with God an extraordinary life with God. At Safari Mission, our mission organization in Tulsa, we believe that it really does please God to have faith in him. Our mission organization in Tulsa plants Bible schools in East Africa to teach faith in God to our students in East Africa
Our mission organization in Tulsa also teaches about the Canaanite woman that asked Jesus for mercy. Jesus did not treat her very nicely at first. When she asked for healing for her daughter Jesus said it is not right to take the children’s bread and give it to the dogs. That seems quite rude. Yet the woman would not be stopped. Because of her insistence and her faith, or trust, in the fact that he could do it and he would do it, because of her importunity and great faith, she was granted the request that she asked for. At Safari mission, a mission organization in Tulsa, we teach our students how to have faith like this.
At Safari mission, a mission organization in Tulsa we teach that faith is an attitude that will not take no for an answer. We teach that faith laughs at impossibilities. Why is this? It is because we believe that God is pleased when we ask him to do things that only he can do. We believe that the world can only be changed and made better by our faith in God and our cooperation with him. If we know how to cooperate with him through faith and know how to walk with him through his word, we can be unstoppable forces for the kingdom of God.
We want our students to be trained and equipped to take on whatever situation may face in faith. David faced a giant. Daniel faced a lion’s den. Jesus face the cross. Paul faced bonds and afflictions. John was sent to the Island of Patmos. What obstacles may try to get in your way? We do not know that. But, we at Safari mission, a mission organization in Tulsa, believe that as you step out in faith, in the real trust in God, you will see mountains move. You will see the dead rise.
At Safari mission, a mission organization in Tulsa, we believe that the impossible is the playground of the believer. Our mission organization believes that circumstances of life that are difficult will come to everybody. We know that life can be challenging. Our Mission organization in Tulsa has faced challenges. However, with God none of these situations are impossible situations. The difference between what we at our mission organization in Tulsa teach and what some people teach is that we believe and walking through the valley of death and not stopping. Some people seem to set up camp there. Not us.
Our mission organization in Tulsa teachers that hard times are just a future testimony for God’s goodness to show up. Faith, and the attitude of faith, looks a challenge in the face and keeps its joy because it knows that God is with the believer. The attitude of faith believes that God is for me, God is in me, God is with me, and we are going through this challenge together.
At Safari mission, a mission organization in Tulsa, we train our students to know that God is for them, God is with them, and God is in them. We train them to wake up every day with the realization that God is on their side and that they can do whatever it is that is in front of them with success and with joy. Our mission organization in Tulsa has Bible schools and students that have faced challenges and come out with a victory because they know their God.
Our mission organization in Tulsa knows that faith is a lifestyle, not a one-time request from God. Our mission organization Tulsa teaches our students that to live a life of faith you must walk by faith every day. The Bible says that the just shall live by faith. At Safari Mission that is what we teach our students. That is the lifestyle we teach our students.
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