How to Be a Success with God
The best way to predict the future is to create it. Too many people sit passively and wonder what tomorrow is going to be like. They wonder when God’s blessing is finally going to come into their lives—but they don’t understand that the prosperity of God doesn’t just...
Doing the Impossible with God
Doing the impossible is fun. It’s not always fun in the midst of the battle, but it is definitely fun when you get to tell the testimony to everybody later. Some people want to have a testimony without a test, and life doesn’t work that way. Having faith in God is a...
Winds of Doctrine – The Balance of the Gospel
The winds of doctrine blow. They have blown throughout church history, and they will continue to blow as time goes on. The winds of doctrine are the changing beliefs and interpretations of the word that do not line up with the full council, or...
Poverty Begins & Ends with a Mindset
Non-profit organizations around the globe work to benefit those in poverty. While there are various forms of aid available, the programs do not appear to be equal in bringing lasting results. Long-term results are what we must aim for. Most organizations target...
Impacting the World Around Us with the Finger of God
by Vidar LigardIt is God’s desire for every believer to go into the world and make a difference. But God does not intend for us to do this job alone, nor in our own strength. Paul wrote that we are co-laborers with Christ. Throughout the New Testament,...
New Testament Love
By Vidar LigardIn the world and even in the church today, there are different thoughts on what real love is. The world usually thinks of love as a strong feeling of affection. Many dictionaries will also agree that love is a warm or strong feeling of...
Faith and Finances
By Vidar LigardWhy do so many seem to not receive financial blessings?The Lord said in Malachi:Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the...
Faith: Utopia and Real Life
By Vidar LigardThe life of faith is sometimes misunderstood as a utopian dream where there are only victories, as going “from glory to glory”, and never having any challenges. However, the faith life is not a life absent of challenges. If it were, then...
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