All Global Donation Options
Donate Online (USA and Canada)
This donation option requires a US or Canadian cell number. Funds will be drawn from a debit or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express.)
Donate Online (Outside USA and Canada)
This donation option will take you to Paypal where you can donate either from your paypal account or using a debit or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express.)
Other Donating Options
In the USA, by Check
In the USA, send a check to:
Safari Mission USA
P.O. Box 932
Broken Arrow OK 74013
Gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extend allowed by I.R.S.
In Norway or Europe, transfer funds to:
Norway bank account no: 2601.31.16716
Account Name: Safari Mission, Org No 990 679 479
IBAN: NO4026013116716
Swift/BIC Code: BLSPNO21XXX (Only for funds coming from Europe)
In Kenya
Give using mpesa
Business Number: 697660 [Business name is Rhema Kenya]
Account: Partnership
Deposit to
Equity Bank Account 1190299909235
Account Name: Safari Mission Kenya
Ensure Memo Reads: Partnership
International Swift / Wire Transfer
Send funds to Account Name: Safari Mission USA, Inc.
Account Number: 28781974
Bank Name: Arvest Bank
Swift/Bic Code: ARVTUS44
If you have any questions about any of these options, please Contact Us